









Creating access and opportunity through infrastructure (Roads and Real Estate). Because our…


Every human deserves a right to good healthy food. Our great-tasting brands are poised to transform…


Through partnering with our customers, we deliver projects that provide essential materials in


Through our internationally accredited security companies, we design and deliver…


We are an investment company established in 1995 in Rwanda, initially under the name Tri-Star Investments Limited, before rebranding to the current name Crystal Ventures Limited (CVL) in 2009.

The company was founded to meet challenges of economic recovery and to utilise growth opportunities in a virgin environment. The founders were among the pioneers of Rwanda’s private sector who took on the task of rehabilitating the gone-to-seed commercial trade.

CVL reinvested its returns to create what is now one of the largest investment companies in the country.

We have, since inception, spurred the growth of businesses whose choices of investments are determined by the opportunity to make a significant impact on the socioeconomic landscape accompanied by the opportunity to venture into unexplored sectors with high socio-economic returns, in a developing economy.

Our main investments are in engineering, fast moving consumable goods, construction materials, and security service sectors.

CVL underwent a transformation phase in the past years in various fields i.e. corporate governance, operations, finance, human capital management, communications and IT systems. The transformation ushered the company into an era that continues to be a stepping stone for the current and future growth and sustainability of the group.




“We must create economic opportunity, build a culture of entrepreneurship, get people to take responsibility for improving their lives, rather than putting them in a position where they sit back in their poverty and blame others for it.”



Create Wealth, Improve lives


We focus on enhancing shareholder value, empowering our employees and providing quality products and services to customers and communities in Rwanda and beyond


To be one of the leading global investment groups.


Results driven: Our focus is driven by a desire to achieve and exceed intended goals.

Integrity: We are honest, transparent, ethical and objective in everything we do.

Innovation: We always challenge ourselves and seek new ways of doing things, creatively.

Excellence: We strive to exceed highest standards in everything we do.

Leadership: We endeavor to take initiative, be proactive, be committed, demonstrate ownership and accountability, be visionary, lead by example and be team players.


Jean-Claude Karayenzi

Executive Chairman

Yves Bernard Ningabire

Chief Operating Officer

Iza Irame

Chief Investment Officer

Theogene Maniragaba

Chief Finance Officer

Chantal Habiyakare

Chief Audit & Risk Officer

Dennis Kaberuka

Group General Counsel

Ines Kayitesi

HR & Administration Director

Mark Murenzi Rukata

Senior Compliance Director

Captain Rusera

Investment Director

Rachel Iriza

Strategy Director

Want to be an intern with us and you are a student?

The CVL Internship Program offers students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain direct practical experience within applicable CVL subsidiaries or at the holding company.

This opportunity brings a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a student’s field of study or career interest.

The internship allows individuals to bring new perspectives, innovative ideas and research experience into CVL’s work, while improving skills in a diverse environment. In addition, it is a great way to enhance CVs with practical work experience.

To Apply; download, fill out the form, and send it to info@cvl.co.rw.

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